Wednesday 3 December 2014

West Coast Park - only one bird spotted today

 This morning I had no expectations of what I was going to see at West Coast Park. I needed my contact time with Nature so badly that just being in the presence of trees and greenery was enough for me. So when I saw some mushrooms that were mostly past their prime, a far cry from those robust ones I saw last week or week before, I was still fascinated enough to stop by and take some photos. As I walked into the park, I was half-hoping that I would see the the same birds that I saw last Friday only to be disappointed with the appearance of a single Little Heron on his usual perch across the pond. I was rewarded with other aspects of nature like seeing the fruits of a mangrove tree - the Sonneratia alba, also known as Perepat and overhead I caught sight of a graceful Brahimy Kite soaring across the sky. My best shots of the day were taking protrait photos of a changeable lizard clinging on to the trunk of a tree and with the green ferns in the background, its awesomeness was duly enhanced. Thus satisfied, I went home and thanked God for his gifts.

Little Heron.
Monitor Lizard gliding stealthily in the water.
A lone flower waiting for bees to visit.
A cotton-stainer bug. There should be many.
A rare sighting (for me) of the inflorescence of the Pandanus Plant.
If only I had been a day or two earlier in spotting it.
The interesting fruit of the Sonneratia Alba.



At this point I turned back. The ship repairing business is hurting the envrionment.

Oil Palm.

Here's the photo shoot of Mr. Changeable Lizard.

The beautiful Brahimy Kite.

Crepe ginger flowers.
Spider lily twins.
Leaving the Park.

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