Sunday 13 December 2015

Upper Peirce Reservoir

There are many monkeys in Upper Peirce Reservoir and despite billboards and signs not to feed them, there were one or two drivers who stopped their cars on the road to let their kids gape at these monkeys hoping for food. Perhaps when other cars had passed them by, they would throw food out of their windows. What these ignoramuses did not realise is that they could be prosecuted for feeding the monkeys and what is worse, their stationary cars are a hazard to other road users. I do not have any photos of the monkeys here but you get the picture. Anyway, nature was there to be enjoyed and I have the photos to show that if you programme your brain to get a kick out of little wonders, the day will pass beautifully.
Sap oozing from a tree.
Beautiful bubble-like formations.
Snails left these trails
Encased in a raindrop.

Papa chameleon.


Food for a spider.

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