Monday, 1 June 2015

Upper Peirce Reservoir - Disappointing Insect Life

 There was a running event for SG50 and the participants have to run 50km per day for 50 days in a row, we were told. Amazing endurance!

We have been insect-hunting for three days consecutively averaging 3 hours each day over the long weekend and perhaps that should also be counted as an amazing feat. The difference between us and the runners is that there is a finishing line for them and none for us.

Each insect-hunting session starts with optimism and sometimes we are rewarded with interesting finds and sometimes there is a dearth of insect life to such an extent that we begin to worry if the insects that we used to see in terms of variety and abundance in our parks and nature reserves are in serious danger of extinction. Today was not a day we reaped rewards for our endurance in our hunt of the elusive insects. We gave up after an hour at Upper Peirce and decided to drive to Seletar Park where we had slightly better luck. The insects are running against time and time is definitely not on their side. Our observation tells us that soon even wasps and bees so common before will have run out of luck in their race for survival.

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