Thursday, 14 January 2016

West Coast Park 14 Jan 2016

As the earth gets scorched by the sun penetrating our polluted atmosphere, walks in the mornings are getting increasingly uncomfortable. I have resorted to carrying a large umbrella with UV protection to make my walks more bearable in the heat and humidity and its only the first month of the year. In the past the months from November to February were fabulous months to take walks in the park.

Some people will wonder why repetitive walks in this park has not succeeded in boring me to tears each time. I wonder sometimes too if my next visit will become too predictable and eventually I just might seek out another park to visit. What draws me to this park are the tall trees with their generous spreading crowns and the spaciousness of the park. As with any walk with Nature, it is never boring if you keep your eyes and ears open. Today was no exception and what surprises lay in store!