Tuesday, 14 April 2015

West Coast Park

 For a change I will be asking questions about most of these photos instead of the usual summary. 
If you plan to fly a kite or launch an aerial droid, would you be going to the left side or right side of the path?

Is that a dragon or a ship in the playground?
Have you ever seen this happening in our parks?
How many trees are there?

How many palms do you see?
Which direction are the clouds moving?
What lies behind these trees?
How old do you think this tree is?
Guess the name of this fruit.
How many tree and plant species are there in this picture?

People could gather here for coffee or to play a game of _____.

Flowers or fruits?
These are pictures of  Kapok tree growing new leaves.

The ripening seed pod about to dispel the fluffy seed-bearing cotton.

How many leaves are there in each stalk?
Rangoon creeper flowers, are they blooming or wilting?
A small sea-grape tree. Where are the flowers?

What is the name of this bird?

New fruits of the Kapok tree.

Friday, 10 April 2015

East Coast Park 33 Degrees Celsius

 It was very hot today and if you stayed for more than five minute in direct sunlight, you could disintegrate. Possibly. That was how hot it had felt at 33 Degrees Celsius as reported by the radio. Possibly the temperature was higher at the beach where we were seated. What made up for the otherwise unbearable heat was the strong breeze blowing in our faces and the lovely shade from the numerous tall trees that took years to reach this stage of maturity. This was just a chat in the park, not a walk, just a chat for about an hour after a meal at the Hawker Centre that was nothing to crow about in terms of quality and price. The food was passable but the prices have passed the mark of respectability. They will not be the reasons for future visits. We have to return to East Coast Park but only when the tide is high and when there is a breeze blowing continuously. Better to be there in the morning or evening and on a weekday. Never on a weekend or public holiday or school holidays. East Coast Park is another piece of heaven on earth in Singapore if you are there at the right time.